Frequent washing of your helmet may damage the helmet especially the internal material, its sponges and straps. After a ride, you sweat and your helmet strap & sponge will stink. You can wash it, soak it in the water and bath with it. All these may damage your expensive and important cycling helmet. (Detergents produce chemical reaction wld weaken the material -something you might discover at less-than-ideal time.) The materials will absorb some water, and that may affect the adhesives used in construction.
Why not try our "Natural Herbal Aroma Spray Multi Purpose Sanitizer with its disinfecting properties for anti-bacterial, viruses and molds with Silverion 2400 USA EPA registered no. 72977-3. (100% Natural Herbal Products)" (No detergent or metal fragrance)
Its best to use it after every ride or before every ride, just spray the internal part of the helmet. It will make your helmet clean and smell good. We use ONLY 100% Natural essential oil. It is also good for your hair & skin.
This is extremely user friendly spray without causing any allergies. We used natural essential oil & natural active ingredient. U can use this daily in your car, your home, anywhere. The natural ingredients used have been tested by Singapore General Hospital for being effective in maintaining healthy air. (See report)
This is purely non metallic, non chemical. Its all natural. So u wld not inhale metallic scents or substance.
3 flavours, peach- mango, lavender-chamomile & bamboo-dew. 260ml in each spray bottle. $18 each incl of delivery. If you collect, its $15
It is also good to be used in yr car, yr home n office. Or anywhere.
So to stay safe, use OUR natural herbal products for your helmets, as car refreshners & elsewhere. Try it today.