The Nation Builder

Individual - Overall

1011 unlocked

Participants who contributed to the first accumulated 55,000km for #TOGOSG55. Both indoors and outdoors rides are counted.

The Local Artist

Individual - Outdoor

Participants whose Strava art communicates their love/tribute for Singapore during the challenge period.

The SG55 Photographer

Individual - Outdoor

54 unlocked

Update your Personal Profile header picture with your photograph of Singapore landscape. Be creative! Stock pictures not allowed. (Subject to evaluation by Togoparts team.)

SG Party Planner

Individual - Overall

15 unlocked

Participants who referred at least 5 friends to take part in #TOGOSG55. Friends to enter rider's user name in registration form.

SG55 Senior Rider Classification

Individual - Overall

18 unlocked

Individual Finishers (at least 65 years of age and above as of 1/1/2019) to complete 150km during the challenge period. Both indoors and outdoors rides are counted.

SG55 Young Rider Classification

Individual - Overall

21 unlocked

Finishers (<16 years of age as of 1/1/2020) to complete 150km during the challenge period. Both indoors and outdoors rides are counted.

SG55 Night Rider

Individual - Outdoor

566 unlocked

Finishers who ride at least 50% of the 150km in the dark during the challenge period (8pm – 5am). Only applies to outdoor rides.

SG55 Sunlight Chaser

Individual - Outdoor

943 unlocked

Finishers who ride at least 50% of the 150km in the dark during the challenge period (7am – 6pm). Only applies to outdoor rides.

SG55 Mix Team

Team - Indoor
Team - Outdoor

26 unlocked

The mixed team with at least 5 members each completing 150km by 8 August 2020 (2359hrs). The top 5 members must comprise at least 2 females. Indoor and outdoor rides recognised separately.

The Randonneur

Individual - Indoor

27 unlocked

Individual - Outdoor

609 unlocked

Individual Finishers who complete at least 550km during the challenge period. Indoor and outdoor rides recognised separately.

Team SuperRandonneur

Team - Overall

169 unlocked

Teams with an average distance of at least 550km per team member during the challenge period. Each team needs to have at least 5 members. Both indoors and outdoors rides are counted.

SG55 Chiongster

Individual - Indoor

26 unlocked

Individual - Outdoor

596 unlocked

Individual Finishers who complete 150km by 8 August 2020 (2359hrs). Indoor and outdoor rides recognised separately.

Team - Indoor
Team - Outdoor

106 unlocked

Teams with at least 5 members each completing the 150km by 8 August 2020 (2359hrs). Indoor and outdoor rides recognised separately.

The Top 10 (by distance)

Individual - Indoor

10 unlocked

Individual - Outdoor

10 unlocked

Recognising the top 10 individual finishers who have covered the most distance on any bike during the challenge period. Indoor and outdoor rides recognised separately.

The Top 10 (by time)

Individual - Indoor

10 unlocked

Individual - Outdoor

10 unlocked

Recognizing the top 10 Individual Finishers who complete 150km on any bike type in the shortest time during the challenge period. Indoor and outdoor rides recognised separately.

Saddle Sore

Individual - Outdoor

1 unlocked

The individual Finisher who rides the longest outdoor distance in a single session within the challenge period. Rest time must not be more than 50% of elapsed time for the ride. Only applies to outdoor rides.

SG Instagram Tourist

Individual - Outdoor

9 unlocked

Top 10 participants whose post receive the most likes on social media at the end of challenge period. To qualify, the picture needs to show participant wearing Togoparts jerseys, tees, #CYCLODARITY tees or Singapore national colour infront of a Singapore landscape. Posts need to be hastaged #TOGOSG55.

Achievement F.A.Q.

How many winners are there in an individual achievement challenge?

Depending on the challenge, there can be more than winner in each achievement cateogory.

How does my team qualify for a team achievement challenge?

In order to qualify for a team challenge, a team must have a minimum of 5 team members. The top 5 members of a mixed team must comprise at least 2 females.

How many winners are there in a team event?

Depending on the challenge, there can be more than winner in each achievement cateogory.

Can I change my team?

Any form of team requests should be sent to togosg55@togoparts.com latest by 15th August 2020 (2359hrs) Singapore time.

What are the prizes available for the winners?

Winners get a permanent achievement badge in their Togoparts account, and eternal bragging rights!

How are the challenge finishing time calculated for each ride?

The finishing time at the end of each ride is taken in as the full completion time of the challenge ride.

What is being done to circumvent fraudulent Strava sessions?

Our tech team painstakingly verifies each ride from each participant. To report a suspicious session, you can do so at the participant profile page or contact togosg55@togoparts.com.

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