Q. What do i need to do to unlock this achievement?
1. First Unlock the FLAG WAVER
2. Download the official #TOGOSG65 Frame.
3. Visit ONE Singaporean landmark with your STRAVA tracker on.
4. Post a picture on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #SGUNITED #TOGOSG56
Q. Where do I get the frame to use on my photo?
You may download the #TOGOSG56 Photo Frame here.
Q. Do I need to tag and hashtag my posts to unlock this achievement?
Yes. You must tag us on our social media pages and magazines with #SGUNITED #TOGOSG56 and make sure your post is public and please include your Togoparts Username on the caption.
Q. Where do I get the frame to use on my photo?
You may download the #TOGOSG56 FB Profile Photo Frame here.
Q. Where do I post my picture to unlock this achievement?
You must use the picture on your FB/IG as your profile picture and share the picture to unlock this achievement.
Q. I posted my picture in the rides section. Do I need to notify your team to unlock the achievement?
Yes, please notify our team via email at togosg56@togoparts.com
Q. Do I have to be in the picture of the visited landmark?
Yes of cause!
Q. Do I need to tag and hashtag my posts to unlock this achievement?
Yes. You must tag us on our social media pages and magazines with #SGUNITED #TOGOSG56 and make sure your post is public.
Q. How do I qualify for this achievement?
You have to refer 4 either free/paid friends to qualify for this achievement.
Q. How do I refer a friend?
You can refer your friend by sending them the referral link when you click on ‘REFER A FRIEND' via the home page here.
Q. How do submit the said STRAVA Art?
You must tag us on our social media pages and magazines with #SGUNITED #TOGOSG56
Q. Do I have to complete all 3 cycling activities in one day to unlock this achievement?
No. You can complete all 3 cycling activities within the challenge period but you have to start with the lowest distance of 5.6km.
Q. Do I have to combine both cycling and running activity to unlock this achievement?
No. You have to complete either cycling OR running activities to unlock this achievement.
Q. Do I have to combine both cycling and cycling activity to unlock this achievement?
Yes. You have to complete 56km cycling AND 5.6km running activity in ONE day to unlock this achievement.
Q. Is there a minimum distance required to unlock this achievement?
No. As long as you record a cycling OR running activity during the challenge period, you unlock this achievement.
Q. Do I have to combine both cycling and running activity to unlock this achievement?
Yes. Each team member must clock in at least ONE cycling and ONE running activity, regardless of the distance, to qualify for this achievement.
Q. Do I have to combine both cycling and cycling activity to unlock this achievement?
Yes. Each team member must clock in at least ONE cycling and ONE running activity, regardless of the distance, to qualify for this achievement.
Q. What is the minimum distance for each team member?
Each member will need to clock in ONE running activity no matter the distance.
Q. What is the minimum distance for each team member?
Each member will need to clock in ONE cycling activity no matter the distance.
Q. What is the minimum number members can I have?
Your team must have at least 2 members and must not exceed the limit of 5 members to qualify for this achievement.
Q. Why are my team achievement badges not unlocked yet?
Since we allow team changes until 31 August 2021, our system will only compute the results for Team Achievements after registration closes on the 31 Aug 2021.
Q. What is the minimum distance to unlock the achievement?
The minimum distance for the round the island ride is 118km.
Q. Can we complete the round the island trip in multiple rides?
No, participants must complete the round island trip in one activity in one day.
Q. Do i need to complete the round of island within a stipulated time?
Yes, you need to complete the distance required within 24 hours.
Q. Can i submit a screenshot of my round island ride that i did before #TOGOSG56 challenge started?
No, only rides within the #TOGOSG56 Challenge Period (23 July - 31 August 2021) are accepted.
Q. How do i submit my round the island Strava screenshot/proof of ride?
Please send us the screenshot at togosg56@togoparts.com; all submission must be submitted before 31 August 2021, 2359hrs.
Q. What are key rules which I need to take note while taking part in this event?
Togoparts aims to foster a cyclist community that are committed to staying active and maintaining good citizenry. While taking part in this challenge, we need all riders to abide by all health advisements and restrictions in your area, prior to undertaking any physical activity.
Q. What are the dates and distance of the #TOGOSG56 Challenge?
The challenge period starts from 23rd July 2021 (Friday 0000hrs) - 22nd August 2021 (Sunday 2359hrs), Singapore time. The finisher distance is 56km, and the Randonneur distance is 560km
Q. When is the closing date for registration?
Registration closes on the 17th August 2021, 23:59hrs GMT +8
Q. How much is the participation fee?
#TOGOSG56 is FREE to join.
Q. Can I log my rides and runs on a trainer / stationary bike or treadmill?
Yes, indoor rides and runs will be recognised for #TOGOSG56. Both types of activities contribute to the finisher distance.
Q. I have paid for the challenge, how will I know if my registration is successful?
All successful registrants will receive an email notification. If you are not sure if your payment is successful, please email us at togosg56@togoparts.com
Q. I live outside of Singapore, can I still sign up and join?
Yes, please join us for the challenge. At Togoparts, we aim to connect cyclists and runners across the globe.
Q. Do I get my finisher rewards if I do not complete the required challenge distance within the stipulated period of the challenge?
You must complete 56km finisher distance to receive the rewards. Jersey, Shorts, Singlet, and Medals are Finisher Items. The Event Pin, however, will still be sent to you even if you do not finish.
Q. I have registered, what's next?
Simply start using your STRAVA app to record your rides or runs starting from the challenge start date. Record them as either a "Ride" or "Run" activity. The Togoparts leaderboard will start syncing your activities automatically. Check back to the event leaderboard to see your rankings on the Togoparts site or on our iOS or Android App.
Please ensure that you authorize Togoparts to connect to your Strava account. Remember to use your STRAVA App to track all your activities during the challenge period. You can find Strava's authorization link in our notification email.
If you are using a non-Strava device to record your activities, please upload your activities to Strava. Just make sure all devices are Strava-compatible! Once the challenge starts, the leaderboard will be refreshed periodically to reflect your relevant completed activity details.
Q. Can I request for a refund?
There will be no refunds made once a participant has signed up. In the event where the participant is unable to complete the challenge due to unforeseen circumstances, no refunds will be made.
Q. What are the key rules which I need to take note while taking part in this event?
Togoparts aims to foster a cyclist and running community that is committed to staying active and maintaining a good citizenry. While taking part in this challenge, we need all riders and runners to abide by all health advisements and restrictions in your area, prior to undertaking any physical activity.
Q. Where can I check my progress against other participants?
You can check the challenge leaderboard after it goes live on the first day of the challenge period.
Q. My activities does not show up on the challenge leaderboard or I do not see my username on the challenge leaderboard after authorising Togoparts to connect to my Strava account.
The challenge leaderboard will be refreshed periodically throughout each day. Allow for up to 4 hours for your activities to be updated on the Togoparts Leaderboard after you have completed your ride or run. If any irregularities occur, please email us at togosg56@togoparts.com. Please allow up to 48 hours for us to respond.
Q. How can I be sure I'm logging my distance for the challenge?
Login to your togoparts accounts and check your challenge profile to see if your activities have already been reflected. If you have already linked your Strava account and it still does not show your activities being reflected accordingly, please email us at togosg56@togoparts.com for us to check, and we will quickly assist in getting your activities reflected into the challenge.
Q. Can I log / ride or run multiple times to add up to the challenge distance?
Yes. The beauty of the virtual challenges is that you can log in to your activities anytime and anywhere.
Just remember to log your activities with the Strava app, or upload them to Strava if you are using another app to record your activities. Just make sure the devices are Strava-compatible!
Q. Can I measure my distance using other apps or devices?
We require all participants to log their activities using Strava. You can use tracking devices like Garmin and upload your activities to Strava. If you have logged your activities with another app and not Strava, the system will not recognize uploaded activities.
Q. Sometimes I ride or run for very long distances. How do I ensure my battery does not run out?
To conserve your battery, let the Strava app run in the background while it is recording your activities. Here's a few steps you can follow:
Turn on-location services for your mobile phone:
iOS: Settings Privacy Location Services Set to ON
Android (Samsung 6.0.1): Settings Privacy & Safety Set to ON
Turn on your Strava apps location services:
iOS: Settings Strava Location Set to While Using or Always"
Android: On by default.
When you go out for a ride or run, hit record and turn off your mobile phone's screen. Special thanks to user triton for sharing this information.
Q. Can I do indoor activities on a trainer or stationary bike/thread mill?
Yes, all indoor activities are recognised for #TOGOSG56.
Q. Can I add my rides or run manually?
Yes, Manual input rides or runs will be counted as indoor rides.
Q. Why do some of my rides or run activities don't register?
Your rides or run may be uploaded late (a few days after the activity), especially for riders or runners that use other tracking apps like Garmin.
We advise you to upload your activities as soon as possible. If your Strava privacy setting is not set to PUBLIC, our leaderboard will not be able to pull your activities and update it automatically.
Q. The distance recorded by Strava is inaccurate, can you add the missing distance into that activity?
We are unable to edit the details recorded by Strava. We do advise participants to ensure that their GPS signal is strong throughout their activities and consistently check that Strava is recording.
Q. I use Garmin Connect / Movescount to track my activities. How do I link them to Strava?
You can log into your Strava account and click on this link: www.strava.com/upload/device
Alternatively, you can check this out: strava.zendesk.com/forums/20539803-Uploading-to-Strava
Q. Is it necessary to use the Strava iphone/android app to record my activities if I have another device such as a Garmin that I normally use?
No, you can continue to use your existing preferred device such as a Garmin Edge to record your activities, as long as you can sync and upload them to Strava. If you use both to record your activities, we will adapt to recognize the distance from only 1 source.
Q. How do I record an outdoor activity?
Outdoor activities are activities that are supported by GPS/Map data. You can record outdoor activities in multiple ways. You can use any tracking device that tracks your distance and is linked to your Strava Account. You can directly record your activities using the Strava App as well!
You can check more information here:
Recording activity in Strava
Q. How do I record an indoor activity?
Indoor activities are activities which does not contain any GPS/Map data and are manually added on Strava. > Alternatively, you can upload manual activities by clicking the + button on your Strava App and selecting Manual Activity. > Select Virtual Run or Virtual Ride as your activity type - then our system will automatically recognize such activity as "Indoor".
You can check more information here:
Indoor Activities in Strava
Q. Can i tag my friends on my ride or runs?
No. Tagging of rides or runs is not allowed. Each participant must record their activities via their own Strava account.
Q. We rode or ran as a team, can we tag each other on the activity?
Tagging your fellow participants will create an identical record of activities which will be flagged by our system and the other participants. As a General Rule, we do not allow participants to tag each other on rides in order to avoid reflecting identical records for the challenge.
Q. We have already tagged our teammates to those activities, what will happen?
Our team goes through the leaderboard weekly. If by any chance that identical rides are detected, Togoparts reserves the right to remove these identical rides from the challenge.
Q. Why are some of my rides missing?
There are a couple of reasons why they could be missing:
-You have recorded your activity prior to linking your Strava to the challenge. Our system only recognizes activities that are recorded after the linking. Please email us at togosg56@togoparts.com to have your prior rides synced.
-You have set an incorrect activity type on Strava. For #TOGOSG56, our system will only recognize Runs, and Rides activities.
-Your activity may have been flagged and have been removed. Our team reserves the right to moderate and remove such rides if proven to be invalid or against our challenge rules.
-Your activity may have been overlapping another activity. Our system is built to automatically detect overlapping activities (by time). It automatically removes one of the overlapping rides and retains the activity with the longest distance recorded.
-You may have violated some Singapore Traffic Rules. In such cases, Togoparts reserves the right to remove these activities.
If your activities are missing, you can verify the reason for such by sending us an email at togosg56@togoparts.com
Q. I have linked my Strava Account late, will my prior activities be captured?
Yes, so as long as they have been uploaded to your Strava Account and their dates are within the challenge period. If any irregularities occur, please email us at togosg56@togoparts.com. Please allow up to 48 hours for us to respond.
Q. I recorded activities and have realized that I haven't linked my account to the challenge, are my activities invalid?
No. So as long as their record dates are within the challenge period, our system will be able to fetch and reflect them in the challenge.
Q. What to do if I have linked my Strava late in the challenge?
Send us an email at togosg56@togoparts.com to let us know of the issue so then our operations team can pull up your activities from the back end and have them reflected in the challenge.
Q. Can I change my team after I've joined another team earlier?
No. You cannot switch your teams once the challenge already started.
Q. Can i withdraw from a TEAM?
No. Once the challenge starts, we will no longer allow you to withdraw from the team that you are participating with.
Q. Can I withdraw from my DISTRICT?
No. Once the challenge starts, we will no longer allow you to withdraw from the District that you signed up with.
Q. I changed my mind, and want to take part of the challenge as a SOLO participant, would I be able to remove myself from a team?
No. Any team withdrawals and changes can only be done before the challenge starts.
Q. How do I create a team?
Creating a team can only be done during your registration. If the challenge has already started and you wanted to create a team, you will have to send us an email at togosg56@togoparts.com
Q. How do I add team members to the team I have created?
There are two ways to add team members to the team. You can have them join the team during their registration, or if they missed doing that - have them update their info and add in their team name.
Q. Where do I find the update info button?
Go to the challenge page. If you have already signed up, a huge information box will appear and will have several action buttons. Click on update info, and you will be able to update some information such as your team name, apparel sizes, address, etc.
Q. What is the difference between Event & Finisher rewards?
You will receive Event rewards regardless of the distance you covered throughout the course of the challenge. While the Finisher rewards require you to complete the Finisher (56 km) & Randonneur (560 km) distances.
Q. When will i get my rewards?
We mail out finisher and event rewards 4 weeks after the end of the challenge. Please ensure that you provide your full address to ease the shipping process.
Q. How do I collect my rewards?
We will be mailing the rewards to you, free of charge. No extra shipping fees will be charged for your rewards to the Philippines, South East, East Asia, USA, UK, Australia & New Zealand. We will contact you if you need to pay more for shipping if you reside outside of these countries.
Q. Do I get the rewards I signed up for if I do not complete the challenge distance within the challenge period?
No, the Finisher Jersey, Singlet, Shorts and Medals are fInisher items. We will only mail them to you if you complete 56km. The #TOGOSG56 pin however will be sent to you even if you Did Not Finish (DNF).
Q. Can I change the Size of the Jersey and Tee?
Yes, you can. You can update the information page on your profile by clicking the “Update Info” button. Please note that you must update your information before the Challenge registration ends
Q. Can I change the size of the Event & Finisher rewards if they do not fit me?
No, you cannot exchange your rewards once you receive it. Unless you receive a DIFFERENT SIZE from the size you initially added when you registered for the event. If your jersey or t-shirt is defective, you can contact us at togosg56@togoparts.com for further assistance. However, you can choose to swap t-shirts and jerseys with a fellow rider on the Togoparts Exclusive Facebook group!
Q. I have initially registered Free. Can I upgrade my pass to purchase the #TOGOSG56 Pin, Medal, Singlet, Jersey or Shorts?
Yes, you can. You must update the information page on your profile. Please note that you must update your information before registration ends on 10 August 2021 23:59 (GMT+8).
Q. I think someone is using the Strava App on an e-bike, motorbike or car.
It's a personal honour challenge as well as a physical one. We think cyclists and runners have integrity and are honest about challenging themselves. Togoparts.com reserves the right to ignore the Strava entry due to dishonesty. Based on a case by case basis, we have the right to disqualify any participants at our sole discretion or should we find a participant in violation of terms and conditions of the challenge.
Q. How do you verify if the rides or runs are legit?
Our team goes through each single ride and run session of each participant on a weekly basis. Towards the end of the challenge, these checks increase in frequency. If you spot any dubious activities, please contact us at togosg56@togoparts.com.
Q. How do you treat rides which are made against the Singapore Traffic Rules, for e.g riding on expressway?
The entire ride will not be recognized if any section of the ride activity is ridden on a Singaporean Expressway. Riding on the highway is not permitted in Singapore. We strongly urge all challengers to ride safely and abide by all traffic regulations of Singapore.
Q. Why are some of the postings being removed on Togoparts' challenge leaderboard and forum?
Togoparts.com will remove postings that are deemed inappropriate and which will adversely affect the spirit of the event.
Q. How do you treat activities which are made against the Singapore Traffic Rules, for e.g riding on expressway?
The entire activities will not be recognized if any section of the activity is ridden/ran/walked on a Singaporean Expressway. Activities on the expressways and road tunnels are not permitted in Singapore. We strongly urge all challengers to ride/run/walk safely and abide by all traffic regulations of Singapore.
Q. If i have more than 1 child under 12, how can i involve my 2nd children?
1 participant is only allowed to tag team with a child. The alternative is to have your partner to sign up and tag the other child with him/her.
Q. How old must my child be to tag along in the challenge?
Your child must be 12 years old or young to tag along with you during the course of the challenge.
Q. What is the minimum distance that my child must ride to receive the medal?
Your child must ride at least 5.6 km during the challenge period and they'll receive a special medal for their efforts!
Q. How do I track my child's ride?
Your child does not need a STRAVA accout. There will be an option on your profile to include your child's progress on the leaderboard.
Q. I just recorded an activity, how do I tag my child since I did it with him?
Once your activity has been synced in the challenge, we will send you a notification to confirm if your child was with you in that activity. Clicking yes automatically tags your child to the recorded activity.
Q. I am still cofused of how this works, can somebody help?
Definitely! You may send us an email at togosg56@togoparts.com or alternatively, check out this video guide.
Q. How do we verify the activities?
By the end of the challenge period, our team filters the activities that may have irregular data. These data include the following:
-Unusual Max Speed Recorded
-Unusual Average Speed Recorded
-A Tagged Ride on Strava
-Duration of the Activity and the KM recorded
Q. Can I do it Indoors?
Yes, You may record them as indoor or outdoor cycling or running activities for them to count towards your Finisher distance.
Q. I think I have recorded a legit activity but have been removed, what can I do?
You may reach us at togosg56@togoparts.com for clarification and more information. We will only entertain questions about your missing activities within 5 working days after the results have been finalized (10 Sept 2021).
Q. If I email and show you proof of the validity of my activity, would it be reinstated?
Our team reserves the right to decide if we will be able to reinstate the activity after some thorough checking of the information received. This would be a case-to-case basis.
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