If you have seen the "Let's share our Roads" decal on the road...

We hope you are a driver/cyclist curious about the message on the decal. Please read the Cyclist awareness article.


What is this all about? Share

With the recent mishaps, the timing for such a safety/awareness idea is ever more pressing because such accidents involving cycling on the road is going to happen, no matter we like it or not. Togoparts.com had previously gotten a car decal design done up but didn't make good time printing it. However, given the recent circumstances, this is as good a time to do it.

The idea that many of us are drivers too and that we know people who drive, these windscreen decals with a safety message can be spread on our local roads. Stick it on our cars, pass it to friends and friend's friends and hopefully with enough decals on the road, people will pause and think about what the message is about.

cyclist safety awareness

Request for decals and get all you know to spread the word. Share

What Togoparts.com intends to do (Campaign Plan)

1) Distribute up to 900 decals free (1st round) to all who are willing to put up on their vehicles.

2) To get everyone to put up for a cause, a photo gallery (showroom) will be set up for our members (or any other people) to upload the decals stuck on the car as "evidence".

3) We aim at least 300 of such photos to be uploaded to make this awareness campaign a publicly visible and successful one.

4) Create a permanent page feature with regards to cycling safety and how drivers can drive responsibly to minimise if not elminate unfortunate accidents all together.

If you have access to safety material/information with regards to driving and cycling on public roads, please send an email to cyclistsafety@togoparts.com

5) Create a fixed feature and have consistent banner/EDM runs on togoparts.com and other partner web portals and publications to raise awareness.

If you are a media owner or someone who can help in raising awareness on any media platform such as outdoor advertising, magazines, blogs, twitter pages, facebook pages etc, please send an email to cyclistsafety@togoparts.com. We want to work with you.

car decal on car
Decal Sample on car - not to scale.

How do I pre-order my decals?
You may request for your decals here on this thread.

Where do I get the decals?
2nd Meet Up

Place: WEST Coast park Macdonalds
Date: 9th April 2010, Friday
Time: 8 to 10pm

Look out for the Togoparts decals and people in tgp t-shirts or cycling wear. We will check off your username and pass you the requested number of car decals. If you did not request for your decal in the pledge/request for decal thread, we would not be able to give them to you.

Please mark your attendence in the Calendar Event here

What can I do now to spread the word?

  • Share this page on your facebook page. Share
  • Tweet and facebook about this cause.
  • Blog about this in your blog, website, forums, etc.
  • Tell your friends about this and ask them to request for decals for their other friends.

  • If you have a website, you may use the following Leaderboard Banner on your site.

  • banner
    copy and paste this code in your site.

  • or Place a signature in other forums and social networking sites you are participating in.

  • Copy and paste this code in your html-enable signature box: Signature Sample:
    Request for a car decal to spread cyclist safety awareness on the roads.

Togoparts Team
To get to us regarding this safety campaign, email to cyclistsafety@togoparts.com